Special offer - 15% discount on beeSPORT until June 15th only!

Special offer - 15% discount on beeSPORT until June 15th only!

In what kind of a physical condition do players return from a break? How to build a pre-season training program? Are players ready for the season? The coaching staff should answer these and many other questions for the competent training loads. The results of the team at the end of the season will depend on this. How can the coach accurately determine what the team is working on and how to choose the right training program? The answer is simple - use equipment and software to accurately diagnose and interpret the status of players - beeSPORT.

beeSPORT is a comprehensive diagnostic system that works in different sports with athletes of various levels and ages. This is a software that allows you to assess the physical state of the player and give coaches comprehensive information with accurate data, based on which you can purposefully work with each player to achieve his maximum potential.

In this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic, sports are gradually returning to our lives. The need to train players is also coming back. Correct training is possible only when you have a complete understanding of the physical condition of athletes. With the approaching restart of the championships or the playoffs, there is an urgent need to quickly and competently implement training programs. That is why we made a special offer - a 15% discount on beeSPORT hardware and software. Contact our sales tim for more information and have time to order a unique and modern diagnostic system until June 15!