What does Russia do to stay on the top?

What does Russia do to stay on the top?

Currently, in the hockey world, additional individual training as part of team training is becoming a necessity. Commonly, matches are decided during a few moments, by individual players and their individual skills, physical readiness, the quality of their stickhandling, skating technique, etc. Individual training can make this difference.

Companies HDTS and Raydo Engineering have won a tender at the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, where new solution of skating treadmill HST C230 within the Skating zone will be delivered for 8 regions this year with plan of building additional 32 training facilities. This kind of individual training is becoming a standard in one of the most hockey nation.

An integral part of the centers is the skating zone for skating technique development, which includes a hockey skating treadmill zone and testing system. Of course, we need to let the kids play, but first, we need to teach them important basics, so they can play their way to succeed. Russia understood the need for a systematic approach which shows the truth and talents about the players and help them grow most effectively and this will help them to be a leader. In this regard, HDTS has developed a new product - the HST C230 Limited Edition 2020 which is especially tailor-made for Russian projects in schools and regions.

Russia understood, but did not share it with the world to keep a competitive advantage? Of course, the geography of deliveries of the HST C230 Limited Edition is not limited to the borders of the Russian Federation. We, in HDTS, on the contrary, see great potential for applying this a solution in Europe, America or Asia, given the lower final cost of the product, significantly reduced requirements for installation rooms and, consequently, faster commissioning of the solution.

Model C230, will be used mainly for children. The skating treadmill is designed in such a way that it is possible to extend its functionality as well as its integral addition with Fusion Skating products. For this purpose, we also prepared commercial expansion packages. First models will appear on the Russian market at the end of May or early June.